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Unified Planning Work Program

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a document that outlines the TPO’s planning efforts and the associated funding in support of these efforts.  This program serves as the agency budget.  The UPWP describes work elements to be performed, indicating local agency participation and sources of funding. 

The TPO’s operating budget is derived from three (3) primary sources: federal, state, and local resources.  Federal funding is provided through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).  The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) provides funding in the form of both hard cash and soft cash matches, and toll revenue expenditures are used as a credit or soft cash match toward FHWA funds.  The Polk County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) provides a local cash match to various tasks.

Funding Source FY 2022/23 FY 2023/24  FY 2025/26
Federal $1,478,516 $1,224,910  $1,676,285
State $33,251 $33,251  $36,112
Local $25,000 $25,000  $25,000

*The federal funds shown in this table are planning funds provided to the Polk TPO from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). 

Agency Funding
Federal: 95%
State: 3%
Local: 2%


DRAFT 2024/25- 2025/26 UPWP
Questions, contact Julia Davis
Call (863) 534-6529 or email